Abiding Together Counseling & Community

Will You Partner with Us in Our Mission?

By financially partnering with Abiding Together, you can be part of...

Transforming Lives

There is a deep longing inside all of us for intimate connection — to be known and loved even in the midst of our pain and shame, and to know and love others the same way.  Through Christ-Centered Counseling and in Authentic Community with fellow strugglers, Abiding Together helps adults, teens, and men in ministry learn to live in relationships of authenticity and intimacy with God and each other.  In these relationships, Jesus is transforming their hearts, lives, and families.

Transforming Churches

The Gospel makes intimate community possible.  Sadly, the Church today is not known as a safe place for authentic, intimate relationships.  But it could be.  To that end, our counseling and community services intentionally function as hands-on training grounds for equipping local congregations to become intimate communities of honesty, grace, and love.

How?  As relationally broken people come to Abiding Together and experience Jesus’s restoring work in them through authentic relationships, they will, in turn, be sent back to their local congregations equipped and empowered to develop restorative, intimate communities there.  They will be the ones uniquely prepared to help their churches learn to live in and for Trinitarian community — the kind of relating our relational God made us for — because they have been learning to live in and for it themselves.  Learn more about how Abiding Together is For and Through the Church.

*Specific fundraising goals and partnership opportunities can be seen on our secure giving page (via the GIVE button).  


Counseling Assistance Fund

Many people looking for counseling do not have the means to afford it.  The Counseling Assistance Fund removes that financial barrier.  This fund enables clients to pay with dignity using a sliding scale based on family size and income, while the fund covers the remainder of each counseling session fee.

Group Fund

Because our groups are not temporary classes but ongoing communities, charging participants to attend is prohibitive.  By covering the cost for participants, financial partners make it possible for them to remain in a group as long as they need to, developing authentic, intimate relationships with fellow strugglers, and being equipped to take what they have learned back to their churches and develop like-minded communities there.

*Specific fundraising goals and partnership opportunities can be seen on our secure giving page (via the GIVE button).  


Atlanta Ministers Group

Isolation and its dangers are all too familiar to pastors and ministry leaders.  The Atlanta Ministers Samson Society is a brotherhood of men in ministry who are experiencing the deep refreshing that comes in vulnerable, gracious community – a place where they can take off their titles and their armor, not be expected to lead, and be accepted and loved as human beings, just as they are, no matter their sin or weakness – and find that they are not alone.  As these leaders learn to live in authentic relationships with each other, their personal lives, families, and churches are being transformed.

Northwest Atlanta Group and Marietta Group

It is now a recognized fact that loneliness is killing men, both literally and figuratively.  The Northwest Atlanta Samson Society is a group of Christian men from various parts of Northwest Atlanta learning to take off their armor and talk honestly about the things in their hearts and lives that they usually hide and carry alone in silence and shame.  As they share honestly, they learn to live honestly – in community.  “If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).

Grove Park Youth Group

(This group multiplied into four staff-led groups at Thrive Academy.)

Inner City youth hide and numb their pain just as much as grown men do.  And they need real friendships in their pain just as much too. This group provides a safe place for the youth of Grove Park to let down their guard and talk honestly about the things in their hearts and lives that they usually hide and carry alone in silence and shame.  As they share honestly, they learn to live honestly – as brothers in community with each other.  “Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16). The bonds of love developed in this group have the power to gradually transform an entire generation in the Grove Park neighborhood.

*Specific fundraising goals and partnership opportunities can be seen on our secure giving page (via the GIVE button).  

Abiding Together operates under the non-profit umbrella of Restore Life, Inc., a 501 (c)(3) ministry.  All gifts are tax-deductible.